Hdf Oscam Install

A visual tool for browsing and editing HDF files. HSDS for Microsoft Azure.

Hi, just checkout/pull again latest source code from svn, make/compile and replace older oscam (path: /etc/init.d/oscam) with new one. So in short to update: cd oscam-svn svn update cd build make install. Or to revert back to 11272 version cd /oscam-svn svn update -r 11272 cd build make install. Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of OScam on the Vu+ decoder under a OpenHDF 6.2 image and OSCAM. For this tutorial you need. Material: Vu + ZERO, DUO, SOLO, SOLO SE ALL Receivers supported with OpenHDF TEAM like octagon, gigable. Software: Winscp OSCAM subscription.

Express guide how to install OScam on (L)Ubuntu linux OS. Guide can be used also for RaspBerry Pi 3 board.

Attention: Here is updated tutorial 2019: OScam installation on Raspberry Pi (Raspbian Stretch, Debian or Ubuntu)

Hdf Oscam Installation

OScam building and installation:

# update-rc.d oscam defaults
If you want to skip building of OScam you can download binary file “oscam” for RBPi3 ARM CPU here and put it into folder /usr/local/bin. OScam SVN version 11272 (7.7.2016)

Hdf Oscam Installer

Now you can access your OScam on http://IPAddress:8888 and continue with configuration.
If you want connect your satellite receiver to the newly installed OScam server – click here for tutorial.

Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of OScam on the Vu+ decoder under a BlackHole 3.0.4 image and OSCam 11392 .

IMPORTANT: This tutorial is valid for all versions of BLACKHOLE 2.x.x and 3.x.x.

For this tutorial you need.





Hdf Oscam Installers

Hdf Oscam InstallInstallation

OSCAM for DM900, DM920, DM520,DM525, DM820, DM7080 (DEB)


OSCAM for vuplus zero 4K/ solo 4k/ultimo 4k/uno 4k, mutant hd51/52, AX 51/52, Xtrend, ET11000/120000, Spycat 4K, Edision 4k, Octagon 4k​, DM900, DM920, Vu+ solo, Uno, Duo, Ultimo, Zero (IPK)

OpenATV, BlackHole, OpenBH, OpenLD, OpenPLi, OpenHDF, OpenVix, VTI, SatDreamGr, OpenDroid…

1- Installing the OScam

– Launch WINSCP in the home window

File protocol: FTP

Hot name: (ip address of your VU+ )

User name: root

Password: “empty” by default the root password in BlackHole is empty (no password)

After clicking on Login

Select the ipk file and drag between the two windows to the /tmp folder.

Press Greenbutton to launch Black Hole Green Pannel

Next press the yellowbutton on the remote

Choose Manually install ipk package

Choose the ipk and press OK

Choose YES to confirm installation

Please wait while installing OSCAM softcam

Press OK to complete the installation, the GUI will restart, it will take a few seconds.

2. Copy of the OSCam subscription

Copy subscription files from your PC to the /etc/tuxbox/config path of your receiver.



3. Starting OSCam

Press the bluebutton on the remote control to launch BLUE PANNEL

then choose the OScam 11392 softcam, press OK to start it

Please wait while starting OScam 11392

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